Shared Ownership for Success

Consider This:
Most executives, no matter how smart or talented, eventually realize that they can’t build a bridge to the future alone. To be successful, you need all of your stakeholders’ attention, creativity and skilful action aimed in the same direction. In these volatile disruptive times, this alignment is more important than ever.
To achieve this level of cohesion, people need to have a voice in their shared future as well as agreements regarding communal accountability and commitment. In addition, stakeholders need to know the organization’s strategy and how their work contributes to the greater good.
When people feel their work has meaning and that they are heard, they have a sense of ownership for the well-being of the organization and thus become more engaged, productive, and resilient. This perspective is referred to as shared ownership for success.
Shared Ownership for Success is a highly engaging, rapid and cost effective way of generating a large group’s ownership and commitment to an organization’s change initiative. The Shared Ownership for Success process and event will unite your stakeholders around a new strategic direction, corporate wellness culture or merger, and help survivors of a downsizing effort regroup and recharge.
This one-day session brings your stakeholders–be they employees, board members, volunteers, community partners, clients or union–together to create the possibility of an alternative future. As this upgraded alternative future cannot be mandated or controlled, we will focus on establishing shared ownership–communal accountability and commitment– through a series of questions and conversations that matter. These may include: What is the future we want to create together? What does a wellness culture look and feel like? In what ways have I contributed to the very thing I complain about or want to change? What gifts or contributions do each of us want to bring to this new endeavor, etc.
Since there is an unspoken rule in many workplaces to hide weaknesses and not confront another team member, or even the team itself in public, group brainstorming sessions may not get you all the information you need. Thus, we use a World Cafe process, which is highly effective in providing psychological safety and developing an inclusive and innovative organizational culture.
As part of this event, committees will be formed to help implement the agreed upon changes.
The Shared Ownership for Success process has been used with as many as a thousand people at The Port of Singapore Authority and with as few as thirty at the tax division of Prager Metis, an international accounting company.
The Shared Ownership for Success process consists of the following components:
• Discovery Phase: To understand the challenges your organization or team is experiencing as well as the organization’s culture, we meet virtually with the leader and/or members of your organization
• Design Phase: Using the information gathered in the discovery phase we then design the session and the questions that matter. Depending on the client’s needs and interest, edutainment– such as music, skits, and performance art– may be included in the event. We are also available to lead mindfulness-in-action practices. These help participants reduce stress by guiding them in using pressure–the energy of change–to enhance wellbeing, performance and creativity while raising states of consciousness.
• The Event: We are proposing a one day live event or three one and a half hour virtual sessions which will be recorded.
• Follow-Up: We will provide you with a brief report which includes agreements, committees and their members, and any time tables for the implementation. We will then have a virtual meeting with the leader and/or members of your organization to debrief the event and to discuss ways to proceed.
“As a result of the Shared Ownership for Success, our team understood clearly our commitment for each of them to have a voice in how we run our business. We had a specific to do list of specific process improvements to address which we all developed together. And, we agreed upon a methodology for our team to raise new issues and to effectively deal with them. They understood that each of them shared ownership in our success as a team. And, the business results and employee satisfaction prove that it works.”
E. Martin Davidoff, CPA, Esq, leader of the tax division of Prager Metis.
For more information please contact Aimee Bernstein at
Aimee@Openmindadventures.com or call our office at (561) 734-8982