Stress Less Achieve MORE
Stop Fighting Pressure and Learn to USE It!
“Knowing how to deal with crisis without being overwhelmed-keeping your head while people all around are losing theirs- is the most important leadership quality”
Arianna Huffington
In this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, employees are faced with multiple priorities, constant change initiatives, information glut, and an expectation that they can resolve any issue and are available 24/7. These greater workplace demands are causing stress—and it’s taking a toll on productivity, employee engagement and well-being. Little wonder The World Health Organization says that stress is the 21st century epidemic.
The usual recommendation for stress reduction is to exercise, meditate, get enough sleep, and eat better. Yet, who has time for yoga poses amidst nonstop meetings and pressing deadlines? And how many of us meditate or go to the gym every day? Stress reduction becomes one more thing to do!

Our Approach:
Stress Less Achieve MORE mindfulness-in-action training
develops frictionless leaders, generates higher productivity, and increases self-mastery when navigating the rapids of exponential change.
We teach an inner map and embodied practices that guide participants in using pressure-the energy of change- to enhance performance, relationships, creativity and wellbeing. This map can be applied at any time and within any activity.
How we are different from other mindfulness programs
Because the brain stores information based on arousal levels, within high-pressure situations people may not be able to access the calm state they found in meditation or on the yoga mat.
Thus, our approach first teaches the elements of an inner map in order to remain calm, centered and grounded. Next, participants practice using this map under increasing levels of pressure.
By practicing when under pressure, participants imprint a new and more effective way of responding onto their nervous systems, which is more accessible in challenging situations.
‘Under duress, we do not rise to our expectations but fall to our level of training.”
Bruce Lee
The program is presented in two separate tracks:
As part of our leadership program–Inner Skills for Mastery of Exponential Change
Wellness for the General Population
Outcomes: Participants will learn foundational skills to:
• Use pressure to enhance performance, relationships and well-being.
• Re-center when dealing with difficult people and stressful situations.
• Manage their emotions
• Become more energetically spacious in order to comfortably handle continuous change initiatives and other challenges.
• To align what they believe, say and do in order to produce skillful action.
• Expand their sense of well-being, confidence and presence.
• Shift from fatigue to vitality
• Enhance resilience
• Energize and support teammates when in stressful situations
The Stress Less Achieve More Training Program is based on the principles of Aikido– a martial art that teaches the harmonious resolution of conflict, psychology, neuroscience, meditative arts and best organizational development practices.
This approach has been used successfully with corporate leaders in numerous organizations including Chanel, EA Sports, MasterCard, Marriott and Novartis Latin America.
“I couldn’t believe the personal transformation in some of the people that attended your program. I saw a difference right away in their attitude, self esteem, and energy level.”
Nancy Rehbine-Zentis, CEO Institute of Organization Development
Cindy Drankowski, Former V.P Human Resources Chanel USA
“Thank you for an amazing workshop yesterday. I am so impressed that you got each and every one of us to experience centeredness in such a meaningful way. I look forward to integrating these practices in my work.” Patty Gallagher, Crothers HR Consulting, LLC
“After an unsatisfying interchange with my boss, you know one of those where your heart rate goes up, I travel to my usual reactive place of reviewing my conduct and wondering what I did wrong. As I catch myself in my old pattern, I shift. I then go within to sense and dialogue with the energies coming through me, I feel myself growing large and more relaxed. What began as a negative journey that could have drained me needlessly for hours, changes as I become present in my life right now. My work with Aimee and the energies around us have brought me new life…from reactive to creative.”
Sharon Miller, Senior City Attorney, Fort Lauderdale